[softease_banner subtitle=”Watch over the shoulder of a 6 figure seller as we take back control of your sales using PROVEN data and TESTED Systems.” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fmerchinformer.com%2Fmembers-login%2F|title:FREE%20for%20Merch%20Informer%20Members||” link2=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fthemeforest.net%2Fitem%2Fsoftease-multipurpose-software-saas-product-wordpress-theme%2F17052300%3Fref%3Dqodearena|title:PURCHASE%20NOW|target:%20_blank|” title=”Merch Performer T-Shirt Academy” image=”291″]
[softease_text_block style_text_block=”info_text” title=”Easy!” button=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fmerchinformer.com%2Fmembers-login%2F|||”]Merch Academy will break down the success that you want to achieve into a step by step process[/softease_text_block]
[softease_icon_text style_icon=”icon” icon_type=”ion” icon_ion=”ion-tshirt-outline” text=”Everyone starts somewhere! Start off on the right foot by learning exactly WHAT a keyword is, how to use them, and how to properly use data in order to make sales in an ever expanding marketplace.” title=”Newbie”]
[softease_icon_text style_icon=”icon” icon_type=”ion” icon_ion=”ion-arrow-graph-up-right” text=”Already an advanced Merch Seller? There is always room to sell more shirts! Learn advanced techniques on how to run both free and paid traffic at scale in order to improve on systems and free up a bit more of your precious time!” title=”Advanced”]
[softease_icon_text style_icon=”icon” icon_type=”ion” icon_ion=”ion-person-stalker” text=”Learn from private interviews with some of the biggest sellers on Merch that range from 5 figures a month up to people earning 4 figures per DAY. What are they doing differently than you? Come find out inside!” align=”center” title=”Interviews”]
[softease_icon_text style_icon=”icon” icon_type=”ion” icon_ion=”ion-android-microphone” text=”Have you ever wanted to get your questions quickly answered by someone who has a proven track record selling Merch? All of that is going to happen and more in the Merch Performer T-Shirt Academy. ” title=”Q&A”]
[softease_text_block style_text_block=”info_text” title=”Step by Step” button=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fmerchinformer.com%2Fpricing%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fmerchinformer.com%2Fmembers-login%2F|||”]Merch Academy is an invaluable resource created by multiple $10,000+ per month sellers FREE for Merch Informer customers.[/softease_text_block]
[softease_banner banner_style=”classic” subtitle=”The latest in Merch research, design, and implementation to meet your financial goals” title=”Explore the Merch Performer T-Shirt Academy” content_color=”#ffffff”]
[softease_text_block title_align=”left” text_align=”left” link_align=”left” title=”Business Road Map” button=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fmerchinformer.com%2Fmembers-login%2F|title:Sign%20In%20-%20Get%20Started||”]Let us take you through the entire road map of a successful Merch business! Get great control over what keywords are, how to use them, and how to rank your products on Amazon. Learn how to find out where customer demand is in the market place without guessing! Learn how to spend less time and make more money selling Merch. Find out how to utilized both free organic traffic and harness the power of driving traffic with paid and social methods. By following all the video lessons from proven sellers, you will learn how to take your business to the level it should be at.[/softease_text_block]
[softease_text_block title_align=”left” text_align=”left” link_align=”left” title=”Make Print on Demand Money” button=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fmerchinformer.com%2Fmembers-login%2F|title:Sign%20In%20-%20Get%20Started||”]Starting a business can be rough, but it does not have to be! We have been part of the Merch platform since it first launched and know all of the big hitters in this business. We even know multiple BRAND PARTNERS!
Needless to say, we know the secret to success in the print on demand business and are giving it all away inside the Merch Academy. Not only will you learn from the best, but putting the teachings into practice will build your own business along the way.[/softease_text_block]
[softease_text_block title_align=”left” text_align=”left” link_align=”left” title=”Exclusive Private Interviews” button=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fmerchinformer.com%2Fmembers-login%2F|title:Sign%20In%20-%20Get%20Started||”]You may or may not know some of the industry insiders and heavy hitters in the print on demand space. Wouldn’t it be nice to get them on video to reveal exactly how they are using their time to build up their POD empire?
We know them all!
Inside the Merch Academy, you will get access to exclusive private interviews as they happen. Guests will include multiple 5 figure a month sellers, tool creators, and maybe even some brand partners.[/softease_text_block]
[indeed-my-testimonials-vc group=”ent” limit=”1″ max_num_desc=”250″ read_more=”0″ show=”name,image,quote,stars” theme=”theme_4″ color_scheme=”27bebe” disable_hover=”1″ align_center=”0″ columns=”1″ slider_set=”0″ items_per_slide=”2″ slide_speed=”5000″ slide_pagination_speed=”500″ pagination_theme=”pag-theme1″ animation_in=”none” animation_out=”none” filter_set=”0″ filter_select_t=”small_text” filter_align=”left” layout_mode=”masonry” page_inside=”0″ inside_template=”IMTST_PAGE_TEMPLATE” tmst_custom_href=”0″]
[softease_text_block text_color=”#dd3333″ title_color=”#dd3333″]

Have you ever felt let down by your Merch account performance…


Or just can’t seem to make sense of the Merch Informer data to get yourself there?


[softease_text_block text_font_size=”22px”]

Have you ever felt stuck as a Mercher?

You know what I’m talking about. You get this spark for a new design you would like to sell.

You have the idea
You picture the design
You know exactly how it should look
You are about to make SO MANY sales…

and then…

You sell Zero..

Merch got you…

You don’t know how to research.
You don’t know how to outsource.
you don’t know how to design.

Yes, you are being held hostage by your competition..AND the money trap of having to take a chance at your time and money for something you don’t even know will work or not…

Yet, somehow, things that you think should be SO SIMPLE… things that should only take a few minutes…

Somehow becomes hours, and then multiple hours and then days.

With each passing day, you start to think that selling t-shirts online might not be the best idea after all. The vision gets dimmer and dimmer until it is completely gone…

Time wasted… many headaches… with almost nothing to show for it.

THIS is where most Merchers Quit…


What Happened To The Time When You Could Post Your designs

  • the mercher was giddy to sell…
  • and able to keyword listings to sell…

And Online Shoppers Would ACTUALLY BUY THEM!


I’m here to tell you that time is back for good!

I want to introduce you to Merch Performer T-Shirt Academy.

A new course that will let you:

…Use Data To Drive Your Business, Empower Sales, and Crush Your Competition.

Yes, Merch Oerformer T-Shirt Academy was created so Merchers like you…

…who aren’t data driven
…who don’t understand keywords
…who don’t know how to design

…Can Easily Use Data To Research Proven T-Shirt Niches That Are Proven To Sell!


[softease_text_block title_tag=”h3″ button_color_style=”dark” title=”Take the Merch Academy for FREE With Your Merch Informer Membership” button=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fmerchinformer.com%2Fmembers-login%2F|title:Sign%20In%20-%20Get%20Started||” title_color=”#ffffff” css=”.vc_custom_1525826866307{border-top-width: 0px !important;border-bottom-width: 0px !important;padding-top: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}”]Take control of your future and make more print on demand sales[/softease_text_block]
[indeed-my-testimonials-vc group=”mi-testimonials” limit=”10″ max_num_desc=”250″ read_more=”0″ show=”name,image,quote,stars” theme=”theme_5″ color_scheme=”27bebe” disable_hover=”1″ align_center=”0″ columns=”2″ slider_set=”0″ items_per_slide=”2″ slide_speed=”5000″ slide_pagination_speed=”500″ pagination_theme=”pag-theme1″ animation_in=”none” animation_out=”none” filter_set=”0″ filter_select_t=”small_text” filter_align=”left” layout_mode=”masonry” page_inside=”0″ inside_template=”IMTST_PAGE_TEMPLATE” tmst_custom_href=”0″]
[indeed-my-testimonials-vc group=”group2″ limit=”10″ max_num_desc=”250″ read_more=”0″ theme=”theme_5″ disable_hover=”0″ align_center=”0″ columns=”2″ slider_set=”0″ items_per_slide=”2″ slide_speed=”5000″ slide_pagination_speed=”500″ pagination_theme=”pag-theme1″ animation_in=”none” animation_out=”none” filter_set=”0″ filter_select_t=”small_text” filter_align=”left” layout_mode=”masonry” page_inside=”0″ inside_template=”IMTST_PAGE_TEMPLATE” tmst_custom_href=”0″]
[softease_title_block title_tag=”h3″ title=”Get Started With The Merch Academy Today!”]
[softease_icon_text style_icon=”text” icon_text=”1″ text=”Sign up to Merch Informer by either paying monthly as you go, or prepay for a year on any tier to get a discounted price. You even have the option to try it out risk free for 3 days.” style=”classic” title=”Sign Up”]
[softease_icon_text style_icon=”text” icon_text=”2″ text=”Once you are on the inside of Merch Informer, you are automatically signed up to the Merch Academy course. Simply log in and select the course to start learning.” style=”classic” title=”Take Academy”]
[softease_icon_text style_icon=”text” icon_text=”3″ text=”Now that you have the teachings for success, implement them into your business and watch your royalties increase month after month.” style=”classic” title=”Integrate”]
[softease_icon_text style_icon=”icon” icon_type=”ion” icon_ion=”ion-arrow-expand” text=”Your information is safe and never shared. Product searches happen through the Amazon API so rest assured you are in good hands.” style=”modern” color_style=”light” title=” Fully Secure”][softease_icon_text style_icon=”icon” icon_type=”ion” icon_ion=”ion-ios-bolt” text=”Compared to old methods of doing niche Merch research, we do it lightning fast saving you time!” style=”modern” color_style=”light” title=” Lightning Fast”][softease_icon_text style_icon=”icon” icon_type=”ion” icon_ion=”ion-checkmark” text=”We are so sure you will love our tool that you can try it risk free for 3 days to make sure that it is a good fit for your business.” style=”modern” color_style=”light” title=”Risk Free”]
[softease_icon_text style_icon=”icon” icon_type=”ion” icon_ion=”ion-android-search” text=”Merch Informer is incredibly easy to use. Make sure to read through the tutorials if you have any questions.” style=”modern” color_style=”light” title=”Easy To Use”][softease_icon_text style_icon=”icon” icon_type=”ion” icon_ion=”ion-information” text=”If you ever have any issues getting set up, or come across something that is not working correctly, our support team will take care of you.” style=”modern” color_style=”light” title=”Full Support”][softease_icon_text style_icon=”icon” icon_type=”ion” icon_ion=”ion-settings” text=”We are sellers ourselves! In order to create the best tool possible, development is continuing forward to add more features.” style=”modern” color_style=”light” title=”Continued Developement”]