How popular are couples’ t-shirts on Amazon Merch on Demand?

How popular are couples' t-shirts on Amazon Merch on Demand

If you’re looking for a lucrative and rare niche on Amazon Merch on Demand, couples’ t-shirts could be just the thing for you.

A glance at the top sellers in this space shows impressive sales results.

Does this mean that this niche can change the game for you as a seller?

To find out, we delve a bit deeper to explore the market size, best-selling listings, and profitability. We also share key insights and recommendations for entering this market.

Let’s get started.

How big are couples’ t-shirts on Amazon Merch on Demand?

To gauge the scope of the couples’ t-shirt market on Amazon Merch on Demand, we took the savvy seller approach.

We headed over to Merch Informer to get the lowdown on the niche.

Using the tool’s Products Search module, we typed in “couples” in the keywords search bar, selected the US as the marketplace, and chose t-shirts as our merch category.

In a matter of seconds, we identified that the best-seller’s rank (BSR) in this segment is 4,653,809. This number is not as high or low as other niches, meaning that these products rank somewhere in the middle.

This is a signal that we’re looking at a niche that’s not yet fully saturated.

But what are buyers actively searching for? And which keywords are sellers using to optimize their listings for better rankings?

We take a closer look below.

Search volume

One of the most important metrics to explore when analyzing a segment is keyword search volume. In short, it demonstrates what shoppers’ browsing behavior looks like.

By identifying the top searched-for words, sellers can tailor their listings to satisfy a higher demand. As a result, you can generate more traffic and potentially land more sales.

Using Merch Informer, we pulled up the top 50 keywords with the highest search volume.

Here are the most relevant ones:

  • “Couple costumes”: search volume – 89,345
  • “Couple costume”: search volume – 87,511
  • “Couple gift”: search volume – 76,300
  • “Couple gifts”: search volume – 29,760
  • “Couple halloween”: search volume – 3,797
  • “Couple tshirts”: search volume – 3,460
  • “Engaged couple: search volume – 3,407
  • “Couple tshirts funny”: search volume – 3,115

It quickly becomes evident that the most sought-after keywords are related to couples’ costumes, garnering over 87,000 monthly searches.

These insights suggest that love partners frequently shop for costumes to wear on certain occasions. The data also indicates that these products are often purchased as gifts.

Compared to couples’ costumes and gifts, t-shirts can’t be described as trending. Still, more than 3,400 users browse for this product type every month.

While this search volume may not be substantial, it’s still worth exploring. The double whammy with this niche is that couples’ t-shirts are usually bought in pairs, which means great sales potential for sellers.

Now, let’s uncover what sellers are doing to get in front of the right audience.

Keyword saturation

Keyword saturation refers to the amount of times a word has been used in listing titles.

A look into this metric reveals what keyword strategies sellers are implementing to secure higher rankings and sales.

We’ve pinpointed the most sought-after phrases and organized them into categories for clearer insights.

Here are our findings:

  • Seed keyword: couples (2,027), couple (1,454)
  • Audience: wife (440), husb (429), married (381), girlfriend (317), boyfriend (297), men (251), women (251), friends (199), family (170), parents (102)
  • Related keywords: matching (1,758)
  • Adjectives: funny (655), cute (296), romantic (113), lazy (98)
  • Apparel type: costume (653), costumes (287), outfit (277), apparel (99)
  • Occasion: Halloween (1,022), anniversary (514), Christmas (508), wedding (286), Valentine’s (237), celebrate (189), honeymoon (176), present (151), gifts (149), Valentines (139), marriage (132)

Now, let’s analyze this raw data.

The seed keyword “couples” dominates, which makes perfect sense as this is the primary audience.

However, couples can be married or unmarried, straight or gay, an old married couple (parents) or newlywed.

It’s therefore important to specify the type of couple you’re targeting in your listing title. This will help you ensure sure you’re speaking directly to your audience.

Another interesting conclusion is that the word “matching” makes nearly 1,800 appearances. This means that sellers have identified the need for matching clothes and are catering to it.

In previous sections, we noted that customers aren’t actively browsing for “couples’ t-shirts”. Instead, they’re searching for “outfits” or “apparel”.

This discovery is mirrored here, confirming the theory that some sellers are actively targeting higher search volume keywords.

As for occasions, Halloween prominently takes the lead in popularity. Yet, as highlighted above, there are numerous other events suitable for donning matching couples’ t-shirts.


Next, we explore the pricing in the couples’ t-shirt market in more depth.

We once again headed over to Merch Informer to give us the most recent data on the lowest, highest, and average prices in this niche.

Here are the results:

  • Lowest price: $11.99
  • Highest price: $44.99
  • Average price: $18.36

Although there are no official rules stating how much a product should cost, there are proven best practices to follow.

If you want to position your listings competitively, it’s highly recommended to ask for a price close to the average in the niche.

In this case, selling couples’ t-shirts for around $18 is considered a winning strategy.

What are some of the bestselling merchants doing right?

So far, we’ve laid out the basics.

But what strategies are the top sellers employing in practice? How do they draw in customers and secure sales?

To answer these questions, we used Merch Informer to examine two of the bestselling listings.

Here’s the information we extracted:

Seller 1

  • Title: Peter I’m with the Pumpkin Halloween Costume Couple T-Shirt
  • Seller: Peter Pumpkin Eater Halloween Couples Store
  • Price: $19.98
  • BSR: 7,068
  • Sales: 338

Seller 2

  • Title: I´m With The Witch | Couples Costume For Halloween T-Shirt
  • Seller: I´m With The Witch Halloween for Men
  • Price: $19.98
  • BSR: 8,796
  • Sales: 288


Some similarities appear when assessing the keyword optimization of these two listing titles.

Firstly, they’re both targeted at couples.

Secondly, the two listings label the items as “costumes” and then include “t-shirt” at the end, signifying the merchandise category.

The distinction between the two sellers lies in their unique designs. Consequently, their listing titles are meticulously crafted to reflect these design differences, which we’ll discuss shortly.


Interesting to observe from both listings is that the sellers have set their price at $19.98.

As we saw earlier, the average in this niche is $18.36.

In other words, these two successful sellers price just above the average. In the following sections, we’ll explore whether this strategy is effective or not.


The titles of the two listings reveal that the products are centered around the Halloween theme.

Naturally, the designs of both t-shirts feature orange, pumpkin-colored images with references to the celebration.

They rely heavily on text and convey a humorous tone in their designs.

What is the profitability in this niche?

Let’s see what type of profitability one can expect in this niche by studying the two bestsellers.

Seller 1

  • Price: $19.98
  • Royalties: $4.89
  • Sales: 338
  • Projected profitability: $1,653

Seller 2

  • Price: $19.98
  • Royalties: $4.89
  • Sales: 288
  • Projected profitability: $1,408

Both sellers are reaping significant returns from their endeavors, suggesting that this niche is a worthwhile investment.

Remember, the higher the t-shirt price, the more lucrative the royalties.

However, when setting your pricing strategy, it’s advisable to adapt it to the minimum, maximum, and average rates in the space.

Our recommendations

All of the information shared so far is only useful if you manage to practically apply it to your seller strategy.

To help you achieve this, we’ve summarized several key insights, which will help you succeed in the couples’ t-shirt niche.


Since most of the buyers aren’t actively using the word “t-shirt” in their searches, it’s important to complement this word with “outfit”, “apparel”, or “costume”.

This makes sense as couples’ t-shirts are literally matching outfits. They’re often used in humorous situations or during costume parties for occasions such as Halloween.


With regard to pricing, our research demonstrates that you can easily earn yourself a nice sum. That is, if you follow this crucial piece of advice: always price around the average.

This will enable you to position your t-shirt design appropriately and grab the attention of more consumers.

If you don’t have the time to work it out yourself, Merch Informer can help.

With a click of a button, you’ll have access to the lowest, highest, and average prices to help you adopt a winning strategy.


Finally, while Halloween themes are trending due to the season, infusing humor, joy, or romance into your art is essential.

Most of the top sellers in this niche opt for text-heavy designs. At the same time, they’re quite funny to look at, which is precisely the effect you should aim for.

Final thoughts

Our research proves that couples’ t-shirts are a lucrative niche to explore.

When making an entrance, be sure to make informed decisions based on reliable insights. And the best way to do that is to perform in-depth research using Merch Informer.

At a monthly subscription of only $9.99 per month, you’re about to take your game plan to a whole new dimension.

Elevate your approach and maximize a niche brimming with profitability potential.


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