Branding Module Pt. 3: Building Your Merch by Amazon Brand on Social Media: A Complete Strategy

Social media. The blessing and curse of marketers. Back in the day, your promotion went in one direction: toward the customer. The only way the customer talked back was through the wallet. If they bought, they liked you. If they didn’t, then they didn’t.

Now, the customer talks back. And boy howdy do they.

Your brand on social media is a complex mixture of planning, content generation and babysitting, um, I mean, customer service. Like everything else you do as an independent entrepreneur, you’re going to need to juggle many elements to successfully tailor your social media to represent your brand.


It’s the first thing potential customers see. Think of your social media as window displays in a brick-and-mortar store, except your goal is to get viewers to stop scrolling versus keeping them from walking past your shop.

  • The Role of Visual Branding: In the digital age, visuals speak louder than words. Your social media imagery is a direct reflection of your brand’s personality and values. It’s about creating an aesthetic that resonates with your audience and reflects the quality and style of your MBA products.
  • Crafting Unique Visual Elements: Your social media pages should be a gallery of your brand’s creativity. Think beyond product photos. Design custom frames, unique icons, and eye-catching graphics that tell your brand’s story. It’s like dressing your brand in a bespoke (an overused word, but appropriate here) suit – tailored, sharp, and unmistakably you.
  • Aligning with MBA Designs: Consistency, consistency, consistency. Ensure your social media visuals complement your MBA product designs. If your products have a minimalist vibe, your social media should echo that. It’s about creating a seamless brand experience from the first click to the final purchase.

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Well, maybe seriously wounded it. Facebook alone claims that video content gets more engagement than any other form of content, with that number going six times more with live video.

Videos are the heavy hitters of social media content. They have the power to engage, inform, and entertain – all at once. For MBA sellers, videos offer a dynamic way to showcase products, share behind-the-scenes glimpses, and connect with the audience on a deeper level.

  • Creating Varied* Video Content:
    • Personal Messages: Your audience wants to know the face behind the brand. Share your journey, your inspiration, and the story behind your MBA products. It adds a personal touch that can turn viewers into loyal fans.
    • Stock Imagery and Animated Text: Utilize tools like the Merch Informer Studio to create visually engaging posts that combine text and imagery. These can be great for announcements, product launches, or just adding a bit of pizzazz to your regular content.
    • Product Showcases: Think of these as mini-commercials for your MBA products. Highlight their features, the story behind them, and why they’re a must-have. Be creative – these videos should be as unique as your products.

*Notice I did NOT say “viral”. You can’t make something viral unless you leak a bioweapon from a Chinese lab. You have to make it good, you have to release it strategically, but the viral part is out of your control.


Theoretically, you could solely rely on video for your social media. However, text still remains a critical part of your branding, whether you use it for video captions or a voiceover. “Choose what you say wisely” could not be more apt.

  • Crafting a Consistent Voice: Whether you’re witty, informative, or inspiring, (or, in the case of these blogs, all three) your textual content on social media should consistently reflect your brand’s voice. It’s not just what you say; it’s how you say it.
  • Finding the Right Tone: It’s a tightrope walk between being salesy and being genuine. Find a tone that resonates with your audience and stays true to your brand. It’s like having a conversation – you want to be engaging, not pushy.
  • Maintaining Consistency: From tweet to post to caption, your writing style should be recognizable. It’s about creating a brand voice that’s as distinct as your visual style.


Your brand should tell the same story, whether it’s on Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok.

  • Unified Branding Across Channels: Each social media platform offers a unique opportunity to showcase different facets of your brand. However, the underlying theme, style, and message should be consistent. It’s like being a great novelist – whether you’re writing a thriller, romance, or mystery, your signature style should shine through.
  • Platform-Specific Adaptation: Tailor your content to leverage the strengths of each platform while maintaining your brand’s core identity. Instagram is visual, Twitter is concise, LinkedIn is professional (though it’s a lot looser lately…I’m amazed at the nonsense they let me post) – adapt your content accordingly.
  • Case Studies of Success: Analyze MBA sellers who have a strong presence across multiple platforms. How do they modify their content for each platform while keeping their brand story intact?


Some of you may see these as simple common-sense tips, but that’s why they call them “best practices”. These are tried-and-true tips from years of trial and error. Salute those who have gone before you and took the time to figure it out:

  • Be Your Authentic Self: Keep your content fresh, engage regularly with your audience, and always be authentic. Remember, social media is a two-way street – it’s as much about listening as it is about talking.
  • Avoiding Pitfalls: One of the biggest mistakes is inconsistency – whether in posting frequency, visual style, or messaging. Also, avoid being overly promotional. Your audience is there for a connection, not a constant sales pitch.
  • Essential Tools and Resources: Use scheduling tools to maintain a consistent posting calendar. Employ design tools to create professional and eye-catching visuals. Dive into analytics to understand what works and refine your strategy accordingly.

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Introverted artist? Busy entrepreneur? Let us introduce you to the EXIT sign over the door to your comfort zone. You’re going to have to talk to people. And not all the people you talk to are going to be friendly.

So, you’re going to need to engage and build a community. It will take work, time, and a thick skin. However, if you stick with it, the community will flourish and be overwhelmingly supportive. In addition, a strong community is almost like a digital immune system – it organically keeps out the bad stuff.

  • Fostering Engagement: Encourage interaction by asking questions, running polls, and responding to comments. Create content that invites your audience to be part of your brand’s story.
  • Community Building Examples: Look at MBA sellers who have successfully created a community around their brand. What strategies do they use to engage and retain their audience?

And to that point…

What strategies have skyrocketed your MBA brand? What lessons have you learned along the way? Share your experiences, your questions, or just say hello. Though I seldom tire of listening to myself talk, it’s nice to hear other voices besides the ones in my head.

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