Currently browsing: Design

How To Make Your Amazon Merch on Demand Items Less Expensive

merch less expensive

How To Make Your Items Less Expensive As People Look For Low-Priced Items As the prices for pretty much everything continue to soar, yet the holidays still keep on coming, consumers are looking for lower priced items that will help them still celebrate these traditions and milestones in a big way without breaking the bank or sacrificing quality and style. From congratulatory moments like a retirement, baby shower, or graduation to big holidays like Halloween, Easter and Christmas, there is a lot to rejoice in. Most of these occasions call for their own décor, festive attire, and often gifts–it all adds up fast. Because of Amazon’s free shipping, fast turnaround, convenience and huge array of products, consumers have been turning […]

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Patriotic (Not Political) Designs For Your Merch by Amazon Brand

patriotic designs

Contrary to conventional wisdom, it is totally legal to wear any iteration of the American flag on your person. Sounds weird, right? There is, however, an actual federal code that outlines “flag etiquette”, but it is not legally binding. For decades, there are many who thought that the use of the American flag imagery on apparel was against the law, due to this guideline. However, if you’ve ever left your house, chances are you’ve seen someone wearing stars and stripes on their person, and in – let’s say – not so respectful areas of their bodies. And on this July 4th, there will certainly be no shortage of people adorning themselves in the Star-Spangled Banner. (One hint: it is illegal […]

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What Are The Best Graphic Design Tools For Print-On-Demand Merch?

design tools print on demand

The success of your print-on-demand (POD) t-shirt business is dependent on the t-shirt’s design. However, you need an outlet for your creativity through specific design software and tools. Yes, there are many free options out there, but the truth is that they don’t offer a rich array of features. So, you’d like to opt for a paid plan. This is all good and well, but which one should you choose? And more importantly, do you opt for pixel/raster software or vector designs? And what is the difference between the two anyway? We take a closer look. What’s The Difference Between Pixels/Raster And Vectors? If design lingo sounds too technical, don’t worry. We’re here to break it up for you into […]

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How To Make A Brilliant T-Shirt Design With Merch Informer The Moment You Realize It Will Sell

merch informer designer

Effectively selling t-shirts on Amazon could previously be considered a seriously time-consuming task. If you’re a bit old school and didn’t know about one of the easiest ways to do your research, check out the competition, and then create your designs based on the insights, this endeavor probably took you days if not weeks at a time. This is all in the past now, since Merch Informer will easily provide you with all the necessary market info, and then allow you to create your t-shirt art through its dedicated Designer. There is no need to hop from software to software anymore! For those new to Merch Informer and its in-built Designer, you’ll probably realize that you’ve landed on a gold […]

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Trouble Filling Your Q4 Slots?

Are you feeling it yet? Q4 is pretty much at our doorsteps and now is the time to really step up your game. I know I am. I have my design team working full time and they are STILL too slow to kick back enough designs every week for what I need. It makes it even harder since my designers are trying to help out some friends and family as well. Hiring designers can be great, but at the end of the day, the process is slow, it”s hard, and it is just an incredible pain to manage everyone all the time. At the end of the day, if I am out of designers and patience, I still have slots […]

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How To Scale Your T-Shirt Designs With Placeit’s Design Templates

Today we are featuring a guest post on the Merch Informer Blog from Ana at We met her about a month ago after a discussion about using mockups to run free advertising campaigns for merch shirts. We have invited her to write about how you can easily scale up your merch designs by using simply templates. Coming up with ideas for t-shirt designs is no easy thing. Sure, maybe the first batch of t-shirts went quickly, but after a while it keeps getting more and more complicated to find tshirt ideas that are original and don’t break Amazon’s guidelines. In this post we’ll go over a couple of tactics that will help you scale up your t-shirt designs and give your shirt […]

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How To Scale Your T-Shirt Designs With Placeit’s Design Templates

Today we are featuring a guest post on the Merch Informer Blog from Ana at We met her about a month ago after a discussion about using mockups to run free advertising campaigns for merch shirts. We have invited her to write about how you can easily scale up your merch designs by using simply templates. Coming up with ideas for t-shirt designs is no easy thing. Sure, maybe the first batch of t-shirts went quickly, but after a while it keeps getting more and more complicated to find tshirt ideas that are original and don’t break Amazon’s guidelines. In this post we’ll go over a couple of tactics that will help you scale up your t-shirt designs and give your shirt […]

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