Real Time Search Added! – Long Sleeves, Hoodies, Sweatshirts, T-shirts – Merch Informer Update!

Hey everyone! Today I just wanted to do a quick post on some of the changes we have made to Merch Informer from reintroducing real time search, adding long sleeves, hoodies, sweatshirts, FBA t-shirts, and how we changed some back end code to enable more shirts to be indexed in our system at a much faster rate.

Before I get into it though, just so everyone is aware, we are running a massive 12 Days of Christmas promotion where Merch Informer is FREE without a credit card needed for the next 12 days to new subscribers. If you are interested in what Merch Informer has to offer, make sure you jump on that here:

Real Time Search Reintroduced

One of the things that we have heard from the community is that they would like to be able to go back and do real time searches through Merch Informer instead of using our own databases at certain times. This makes sense when you are really trying to see the most up to date information in order to decide if a niche is viable or not. While this is going to be a slower process than the near instant searches in the Merch Hunter, that option is still available.

To test this, head over to the product search, and type in any keyword you would like to search for. You will see the old countdown time we used to have, so just be patient as the back end does all the work for you.

The product search will show the top 100 shirts. At the top you can see the lowest price offered, the highest price, and the average price for the category you are searching for.

You may notice that the lowest price MIGHT be below what is currently possible through the Merch by Amazon system. The reason for this is that Amazon often time prices returns at a lower rate to resell them. Pro tip: You can go buy your own shirts at a discounted rate spiking the BSR this way!

Long Sleeves, Hoodies, Sweatshirts and FBA/FBM T-Shirts Added!

We know you have all been waiting for these for a while now so we are happy to introduce them into the product search. Remember, these are all in real time now.

Simply navigate to the product search, and you will see a drop down for category where you can pick which you want to search:

Here are what the different product pages look like:

Long Sleeves


Keep in mind that sweatshirts are currently not available for the majority of Merch accounts.


Keep in mind that hoodies are currently not available for the majority of Merch accounts.

Quick Note: Since both sweatshirts and hoodies are not available for many people, this is the PERFECT time to sign up to Merch Informer and get some of your research out of the way. Since the first designs that people will upload onto this new medium will be their best sellers, it is incredibly easy to log in, and see what niches are currently killing it for the highest tier sellers. As more people get accepted, they will upload everything as slots allow but now is the easiest time to see what is selling as quick as possible. We have been making an incredible amount of sales in the past few weeks by using this niche research to uncover niches we have never though of before.

T-Shirts (FBA/FBM)

We decided to bring back the t-shirt category which will highlight designs that FBA and FBM sellers are selling on the platform. Something to remember is that your competition is going to be primarily Merch by Amazon sellers as Amazon is the seller of record for those shirts. Because of this, these results are going to get priority in the search results. That being said, taking a look at what else the market offers is a great way to get a well rounded view of how a niche is currently performing.

Back End Changes

One of the things that we have been working hard on the last few months is something that you will not see on the front end, but on the back end code. We have changed the way our algorithm functions to enable the indexing or a much larger number of shirts to be displayed. Because of this, any missing shirt that you were not able to find previously should now be visible in Merch Informer. Not only have we made sure that the results are more robust, we with such a large growing catalog of designs, Merch Informer is now more useful to get a more expanded view of how a niche is performing.

Wrapping It Up

We hope you are all enjoying these updates and are making the most of your research process for Merch by Amazon. The Merch Informer team has some really exciting things in store in the next couple of months, so stay tuned and make sure you are subscribed as to not miss any important updates.

To your success!

  • OUTSTANDING WORK!!! That is awesome. I put in multiple tickets concerning search issues and you’ve absolutely solved those problems. THAT is true customer service! Will surely continue to recommend you to everyone who does Merch. Thanks so much!

  • Very quick update. Impressive work!
    Also, I wanted to thank you again for contributing to our post with experts’ tips on how to get sales on Merch by Amazon. It was great to be able to include you.

    • I am not sure what I am going to personally do yet. I will probably write an article about it once the date passes and I see how sales are.

  • Neil, the updated search helps a lot for hoodie/sweatshirt/long sleeve research!
    Quick Question…
    When you’re submitting the Hoodies and Sweatshirts…Are you still adding in the Bullets a little bit about sizing (ie; For A Looser Fit, Order Size Up)…Or, are you seeing that these sizes are more accurate than the shirts?
    Thanks…Great Info!

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