
Stop Having An Opinion On Shirt Designs – What You May Dislike Sells!

This is a unique issue that I keep seeing in the Merch community so I decided that I should probably address it. New designers or people jumping into the program are often found saying that they simply design what their hobbies are and what they like and never really look anywhere else for design ideas. Half the time, the complaint is that they made a bunch of shirts that they LOVED but are stuck frustrated that out of 100 designs, they are barely making 5 sales a month. On almost the flip side, you have all these design services popping up (which we are reviewing slowly, I promise!). People buy designs from these services sight unseen half the time, and […]

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5 Things That 5 Figure A Month Sellers Do Differently

When it comes to Merch by Amazon, making 5 figures a month is certainly possible if you spend the time and effort to get there. In fact, we just ran an article on running the numbers for 1k a month as well as 6 figures a year. For a lot of us, 6 figures a year was the goal from the start. I usually get a lot of questions on what the “secret” is and how they too can get there. If I am being REALLY honest with everyone, there is not a secret. The answer is pretty simple. Fill your slots, tier up, and get a good sell through rate with many shirts on Amazon. It is literally as […]

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Merch by Amazon Shirt Reviews – Should You Enter Those Niches?

When people first start getting into Merch by Amazon and learn how to do their research, I see one mistake popping up over and over again. They are simply NOT paying attention to reviews. It is only one piece of the puzzle to find out what people are pulling their wallets out and purchasing. You do this by looking at the BSR (best sellers rank) which gives you an idea of how well a particular niche is selling. Now people might disregard this and try and come up with their own niches, but all this is doing is putting you at a disadvantage by guessing what the customer actually wants. If you want to look at BSR and keep the […]

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Content Marketing For Merch by Amazon Shirts

I have written a lot of articles on how to use different platforms to market your Merch by Amazon shirts. Social is a GREAT way to drive traffic and one of the most fun platforms to learn to actually market on. That being said, it is just one branch of a much bigger puzzle. Ecommerce content marketing is another avenue that I touched on very briefly in the Merch by Amazon SEO article. What is content marketing you might ask? a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services. Essentially […]

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Make A Full Time Income With Merch by Amazon – Running The Numbers

Is it really possible to make a full time income with Merch by Amazon? There are people out there that are absolute skeptics and will never understand the pull and amount of traffic that Amazon has. Instead of talking to this subset group of people, I think the best course of action is just to break down the best way to think about hitting your goals. It does not matter if you only want to make an extra 1k a month in order to pay your mortgage or your car payment as a little side gig, or attempt to go full time and pull down 6 figures a year! Amazon Traffic What most people like to rely on when they […]

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Donating Merch by Amazon T-Shirts To Charity

How many of you are stuck in the 10 or 25 tier and are having an issue getting out because gaining traction is hard? You may have heard it before, but let me just hammer it home again: Merch is a numbers game! You cannot expect to see daily sales when you have 10 or 25 shirts live. This is just a fact of the Merch by Amazon game. Now, I do know people who get lucky and get in a trending niche or a seasonal niche and get traction and it takes off. In fact, there are people who earn $1,000 a DAY just from a few trendy shirts. Unless you think outside of the box, get in early, […]

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How To Pick Your Merch by Amazon T-Shirt Display Color

If I had a dollar for every person who asked me how they could pick the display color of their Amazon Merch shirts within Amazon when they first post, I could probably retire. Over and over again, people come to me with this question and until today I have not really had an answer for them. How many times have you put up a shirt and the display color is almost always the least attractive option? Some shirts work well on darker colors, while others work on light, but there is often 5 good choices with one being kind of “iffy”. For me, this is almost always the yellow color or light blue. Do not get me wrong, these sell […]

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Stop Trading Your Time For Money! Scale Your Merch Business

I recently got back from a conference in sunny California talking to people about Merch by Amazon and how (in my opinion and many others), it is the best online opportunity to make extra money or simply replace your day job. So many of the people I talked to where trying to figure out what designs worked best, the best way to get their products in front of customers, how to market, how to use keywords, and the list went on and on. MOST people I know in this business are not designers themselves but are still trying to learn how to design and get things to sell. The day started off talking about “being good”. The simply fact is […]

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100k School Debt to Financial Freedom – Merch by Amazon Update 3

I am a little late to the table to write this edition of the debt to financial freedom post since I was away at a conference, and this one is going to be a little hard to post. If you missed the second update in the series, you may want to check that otherwise. Otherwise, prepare yourself to get a real dose of what everyone was feeling for the month of July. 100k School Debt to Financial Freedom – Merch by Amazon Update 2 You should read that article, but if you are really lazy and do not want to take your time, what happened was that my girlfriend was about to 5X the earnings of the account with 30 […]

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The Beginners Guide To Merch by Amazon – My Merch Informer Workflow Explained

I have been seeing a lot of people mentioning lately that they understand how Merch Informer works, but are having an issue coming up with an ideal workflow or that they do not understand where to start. MI has come a long way since we first released with a lot of new modules, each one of them implemented to help in our work flow in some way. Instead of pointing out the bits and pieces of what I have already written that covers a module here and a module there, I thought I would go a little into my own workflow or where you might want to start. Keep in mind that because of the vast amount of people who […]

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